
MultiCascadeTree is a component that displays tree-structured data in columns and supports multiple selection.


import { MultiCascadeTree } from 'rsuite';



Custom options

Async Data

This tree allows the use of the getChildren option and the length of the children field on the node to be 0 to load children asynchronously.

Disabled options

Uncheckable options



ARIA properties

  • MultiCascadeTree has role tree.
  • Each column has role group.
  • Each item has role treeitem.
  • Each item has aria-setsize equal to the number of items in the column.
  • Each item has aria-level equal to the column index.
  • The selected item has aria-selected="true".
  • The disabled item has aria-disabled="true".
  • The search input has role searchbox.



Property Type(Default) Description
cascade boolean (true) Determines whether selection should cascade both from parent to child and child to parent nodes.
childrenKey string ('children') Defines the key used to access child nodes in the data.
classPrefix string ('multi-cascade-tree') Sets the CSS class prefix for the component.
columnHeight number Specifies the height of each column.
columnWidth number Specifies the width of each column.
data * ItemDataType[] Defines the data structure used by the component.
defaultValue string[] Specifies the default selected values.
disabledItemValues string[] Defines the items that should be disabled.
getChildren (item: ItemDataType) => Promise<ItemDataType[]> Asynchronously loads the children of a tree node.
labelKey string ('label') Defines the key used to access labels in the data.
onChange (value: string[], event) => void Callback triggered when the selected value changes.
onSearch (value: string, event) => void Callback triggered when the search value changes.
onSelect (item: ItemDataType, selectedPaths: ItemDataType[], event) => void Callback triggered when an item is selected.
renderColumn (childNodes: ReactNode, column: { items, parentItem, layer}) => ReactNode Customizes the rendering of each column.
renderTreeNode (node: ReactNode, item: ItemDataType) => ReactNode Customizes the rendering of each tree node.
searchable boolean Determines whether the search functionality is enabled.
uncheckableItemValues string[] Specifies the items that cannot be checked.
value string[] Defines the currently selected values (controlled component).
valueKey string ('value') Defines the key used to access values in the data.


interface ItemDataType<V> {
  /** The value of the option corresponds to the `valueKey` in the data. **/
  value: V;

  /** The content displayed by the option corresponds to the `labelKey` in the data. **/
  label: ReactNode;

   * The data of the child option corresponds to the `childrenKey` in the data.
   * Properties owned by tree structure components, such as TreePicker, Cascader.
  children?: ItemDataType<V>[];

   * Properties of grouping functional components, such as CheckPicker, InputPicker
  groupBy?: string;

   * The children under the current node are loading.
   * Used for components that have cascading relationships and lazy loading of children. E.g. Cascader, MultiCascader
  loading?: boolean;
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